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Region: Caribbean

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1 Cent (British Overseas Territory / Queen Elizabeth II // Bronze 3.11g) 1973 Bermuda
25 Cents (Republic of Trinidad and Tobago // Copper-Nickel) 2005 Trinidad and Tobago
1 Dollar (Commonwealth of the Bahama Islands / Queen Elizabeth II // SILVER 0.800 / 18.14g /... 1969 Bahamas
5 Cents (Republic of Trinidad and Tobago // Bronze 3.24g) 1997 Trinidad and Tobago
25 Cents (British Overseas Territory / Queen Elizabeth II // Copper-Nickel) 2009 Bermuda
5 Cents (British Overseas Territory / Queen Elizabeth II // Copper-Nickel / Mintage: 1.000.000 pcs) 2000 Bermuda
10 Cents (Republic of Trinidad and Tobago // Copper-Nickel) 2005 Trinidad and Tobago
East Caribbean States 1 dollar. 2015 2015 East Caribbean St.
1 Cent (British Caribbean Territories - Eastern Group / Queen Elizabeth II // Bronze 5.64g) 1955 East Caribbean St.
15 Cents (Commonwealth of the Bahamas / Queen Elizabeth II // Copper-Nickel) 2005 Bahamas
1 Gulden (Kingdom of the Netherlands / Queen Beatrix // Bronze plated steel - Aureate Steel) 1992 Netherlands Antilles
1 Dollar (Commonwealth - State of Barbados / Queen Elizabeth II // Copper-Nickel) 1973 Barbados
Jamaica 20 cents. 1973, Franklin Mint. Matte variety. Mintage: 13.000 pcs. 1973 Jamaica
Jamaica 20 cents. 1976, F.A.O. issue. 1976 Jamaica
1 Dollar (Eastern Caribbean Currency Union / Queen Elizabeth II // Copper-Nickel) 1989 East Caribbean St.
5 Gourdes (3rd Republic of Haiti // Brass plated Steel) 2007 Haiti
1 Dollar (Eastern Caribbean Currency Union / Queen Elizabeth II // Copper-Nickel) 2004 East Caribbean St.
Trynidad and Tobago 25 cents. 2005 2005 Trinidad and Tobago
Cayman Islands 10 cents. 2013 2013 Cayman Islands
1 Cent (British Overseas Territories / Queen Elizabeth II // Copper plated Steel) 2002 Cayman Islands
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