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Region: Europe

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Roman Empire, 3 ae, cca. 335, Mintmark: SMALA, that is Alexandria. On the obverse it is... 335 Roman Empire
Antonius Pius 138-161AD F to VF There is no section for Roman Coins so italy is as close as i... 138 Italy
Sep Severus 195-211AD F to VF There is no section for Roman Coins so italy is as close as i could... 195 Roman Empire
Italy, 5 euro cents, 2002, Cu-St, 21.25mm, 3.92g, MM: R (Rome), Colosseum (Flavius-amphiteatre)... 2002 Italy
Italy, 10 euro cents, 2002, Cu-Al-Zn-Sn, 19.75mm, 4.1g, MM: R (Rome), Botticelli: The Birth of... 2002 Italy
Italy, 20 euro cents, 2002, Cu-Al-Zn-Sn, 22.25mm, 5.74g, MM: R (Rome), A sculpture of Umberto... 2002 Italy
Italy, 1 euro, 2002, Ni-Brass-Cu-Ni, bimetallic, 23.25mm, 7.5g, MM: R (Rome), The famous drawing... 2002 Italy
Italy, 2 euros, 2002, Cu-Ni-Ni-Brass, bimetallic, 25.75mm, 8.5g, MM: R (Rome), Raffaello's Dante... 2002 Italy
Italy, 1 euro cent, 2002, Cu-St, 16.25mm, 2.3g, MM: R (Rome), Castel del Monte.... 2002 Italy
Italy, 2 euro cents, Cu-St, 18.75mm, 3.06g, MM: R (Rome), Mole Antoniella Tower.... 2002 Italy
France, 2 euros, 1999, Cu-Ni-Ni-Brass, bi-metallic, 25.75mm, 8.5g.... 1999 France
France, 1 euro, 1999, Ni-Brass-Cu-Ni, bi-metallic, 23.25mm, 7.5g.... 1999 France
France, 50 euro cents, 2001, Cu-Al-Zn-Sn, 24.25mm, 7.8g.... 2001 France
France, 20 euro cents, 1999, Cu-Al-Zn-Sn, 22.25mm, 5.74g.... 1999 France
France, 10 euro cents, 1999, Cu-Al-Zn-Sn, 19.75mm, 4.1g.... 1999 France
France, 5 euro cents, 1999, Cu-St, 21.25mm, 3.92g.... 1999 France
France, 2 euro cents, 1999, Cu-St, 18.75mm, 3.06g.... 1999 France
France, 1 euro cent, 1999, Cu-St, 16.25mm, 2.3g.... 1999 France
Poland - Danzig, 1623, Orte 1623 Poland
Danzig (Free City) - 1932 - 1 Gulden 1932 Poland
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