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Region: Middle East

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0.5 Piaster Bank of Syria Nickel 1921 Syria
2 Fils King Feisal I 1933 Iraq
50 Piastres Nickel AH 1387 1968 Syria
AH1383 (1963CE) 1 fils 1963 Jordan
unidentifed mis strike arabic coin 0 Unknown
1975 50 Fils 1975 Iraq
1 Dirham - AH1428 - KM#6.2 6.4000 g., Copper-Nickel, 24 mm. Obv: Value Rev: Jug above dates... 2007 United Arab Emirates
Pahlavi Dynasty, Reza Shah (SH1304 - 1320/ 1925 - 1941AD), 5000 Dinars (5 Kran), SH1306H (1927H),... 1927 Iran
Iran 250 Rials Lotus Flower at Rev thanks PaulR! 1987 Iran
c.1980? Israel Telephone token 1980 Exonumia Middle East
500 Livres KM#39 5.9700 g., Stainless Steel, 24.5 mm. Obv: Arabic legend above value within... 1995 Lebanon
2.5 Piasters 1955 Lebanon
Jordan, 10 Dinars, A.D. 2012, Silver, Proof, The 50th Birthday of King Abdullah II, KM #... 2012 Jordan
Saudi Arabia (United Kingdoms), 1 halala, AE. 1383 Saudi Arabia
4 Fils - AH1352 - KM#97 4.0000 g., Nickel, 21 mm. Obv: Head right Rev: Value in center circle... 1933 Iraq
KM-15a, 1949 Israel 250 prutot silver; Heaton mintmark H under the bottom wreath link on obverse 1949 Israel
1974 Israel 25 Agorot from Mint Set. 1974 Israel
Syrian Arab Republic 10 piastres Euphrates dam brass 1976 Syria
Elymais Orodes IV c AD 190? AE Drachm 2.93g 14mm Facing bust of king Bust of Queen Ulfan or... 190 Iran
British mandate 1927 10 Mills Hole in center & date Wreath round hole in center & value in... 1927 Palestine