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Region: South America

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50 Centesimos (Oriental Republic of Uruguay // Stainless Steel) 2008 Uruguay
KM-159.2, 1885 Bolivia 20 centavos, Potosi mint (PTS mintmark in monogram), FE essayer initials;... 1885 Bolivia
Falkland Islands 1 pound. 2020 2020 Falkland Islands
10 Pesos (Republic of Chile // Copper-Aluminium-Nickel) 1995 Chile
Bolivia 50 centavos. 2012 2012 Bolivia
5 Guaranies (Republic of Paraguay / FAO // Nickel Brass) 1992 Paraguay
KM-157.1, 1874 Bolivia 5 centavos, Potosi mint (PTS in monogram), FE essayer initials; silver,... 1874 Bolivia
KM-483, 1888 Brazil (Empire) 100 reis; copper-nickel, plain edge; Pedro II late issue, extra fine... 1888 Brazil
Brazil 1000 reis. 1922, Independence Centennial. 1922 Brazil
KM-159.1, 1885 Bolivia 20 centavos, Potosi mint (PTS mintmark in monogram), FE essayer initials;... 1885 Bolivia
Uruguay 20 centesimos. 1981 1981 Uruguay
Bolivia 5 bolivianos. 2017 2017 Bolivia
KM-123.2, 1856 Bolivia 4 soles, Potosi mint (PTS mint mark in monogram), F.J. mint master;... 1856 Bolivia
KM-151.3, 1913 Chile 20 centavos, Santiago mint (So mint mark); silver, reeded edge; reduced... 1913 Chile
Colombia 100 pesos. 2022 2022 Colombia
50 Pesos (Republic of Colombia / 100th Anniversary of National Constitution & 50th Anniversary of... 1986 Colombia
2 Centavos (Argentine Republic // Bronze 3.4g) 1941 Argentina
Uruguay 5000 Nuevos pesos. 1987, 20th Anniversary of the Central Bank of Uruguay. Ag 900. Weight;... 1987 Uruguay
KM-169, 1980 Paraguay 50 guaranies, Rio de Janeiro mint; stainless steel, plain edge; 3-year... 1980 Paraguay
Colombia 1000 pesos. 2016, Second piece in my collection. 2016 Colombia
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