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Region: Africa

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Ewatini 50 cents. 2021 2021 Swaziland
Eswatini 10 cents. 2021 2021 Swaziland
Egypt-The Pharaohs' Golden Parade - 50 Piastres AH1442-2021 2021 Egypt
1 Pound (Arab Republic of Egypt / Police Day // Bimetallic: Brass plated Steel centre - Nickel... 2021 Egypt
Egypt 1 pound. 2021, Diamond Jubilee of Egyptian Council of State. 2021 Egypt
Tristran Da Cunha 3p, Crowned portcullis surrounded by the denomination and date 2021 Saint Helena
Tristan da Cunha 3 pence 2021 Saint Helena
South Africa 2020 Silver Krugerrand. 2020 South Africa
1 £ - Egyptian pound 2020 Egypt
Ghana 50 pesewas. 2020 2020 Ghana
Mauritius 1 rupee. 2020 2020 Mauritius
Mauritius 20 rupees. 2020 2020 Mauritius
50 Piastres (New national projects: Solar farms in Aswan) 2019 Egypt
New national projects: Assiut bridges 2019 Egypt
commemorative New Alamain city 2019 Egypt
1 Pound (New national projects: Zohr gas field) 2019 Egypt
New national projects: Solar Energy Farms in Aswan 2019 Egypt
Egypt 50 piastres. 2019, New national projects: New Al Alamein city. 2019 Egypt
(New national projects: Power stations) 2019 Egypt
50 Piastres (New national projects: New Egyptian countryside) 2019 Egypt
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