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Country: Alderney
Region: Europe

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Alderney 2 pounds. 1992, 40th Anniversary of Queen's Reign. Cu-ni. Weight; 28,28g. Diameter;... 1992 Alderney
£5 75th Anniversary of D-Day 2019 Alderney
£5 The Battle of Britain 80th Anniversary 2020 Alderney
£5 D-Day 75 Anniversary 2019 Alderney
Alderney 1990 2 Pounds. Queen Mother's 90th. Birthday. 1990 Alderney
Alderney 1989 2 Pounds. Royal Visit. 1989 Alderney
£2 50th Anniversary of D Day 1994 Alderney
5 Pounds, Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. Golden Jubilee Sword. 2002 Alderney
Strange edge error 2 Alderney
2 pounds. Royal Visit 1989 Alderney
2003 Alderney
2002 Alderney
2005 Alderney
Another 1 kilo gold proof coin, also from Alderney. this is to commemorate the bicentenary of... 2005 Alderney
5 Pounds - HMS Warspite - 28.28 g Ag 925 Proof - mintage 10,000 2005 Alderney
5 Pounds - HMS Revenge - 28.28 g Ag 925 Proof - mintage 10,000 2004 Alderney
5 Pounds - The Mary Rose - 28.28 g Ag 925 Proof - mintage 10,000 2003 Alderney
5 Pounds. Commemorative for the 70th year of Q Elizabeth II. Silver. 1996 Alderney
Alderney, Queen Elizabeth II, Five Pounds, 2002. PROOF. 2002 Alderney
1993 Alderney
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