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Country: Isle of Man
Region: Europe

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Isle of Man 10 pence. 1976 1976 Isle of Man
Isle of Man 5 pence. 1987 (AB) 1987 Isle of Man
Isle of Man 5 pence. 1980 (AA) Loaghtan sheep. 1980 Isle of Man
Isle of Man 2017 1 Pound. 2017 Isle of Man
Onchan Internment Camp N.D. 1 Penny. 0 Isle of Man
Isle of Man 50 pence. 2020, 100 Years of Rupert Bear - Algy Pug. 2020 Isle of Man
1 Crown Tutenkhamun 2008 Isle of Man
1 Crown (Isle of Man - British Crown Dependency / Queen Elizabeth II / 150th Anniversary of the... 1990 Isle of Man
Isle of Man 50 pence. 1984 (AA) 500th Anniversary of the College of Arms. 1984 Isle of Man
1 Crown (Isle of Man - British Crown Dependency / Queen Elizabeth II / Manx Maritime Heritage... 1982 Isle of Man
1 Crown (Isle of Man - British Crown Dependency / Queen Elizabeth II / Marriage of Prince Charles... 1981 Isle of Man
1 Crown (Isle of Man - British Crown Dependency / Queen Elizabeth II / 25th Anniversary of the... 1977 Isle of Man
Isle of Man 1 pound. 1984 (AA) Manx Towns - Castletown. One of the scarcer Manx pounds. 1984 Isle of Man
1 Crown (Isle of Man - British Crown Dependency / Queen Elizabeth II / America's Cup Challenge //... 1987 Isle of Man
Isle of Man 5 pence. 1984 (AA) Quincentenary of the College Arms. 1984 Isle of Man
KM-Tn16, 1830 Isle of man half penny token; copper, plain edge; FOR PUBLIC ACCOMODATION, scarce,... 1830 Isle of Man
1 Crown (Isle of Man - British Crown Dependency / Queen Elizabeth II / 100th Anniversary of the... 1991 Isle of Man
1 Crown (Isle of Man - British Crown Dependency / Queen Elizabeth II / Bicentenary of manned... 1983 Isle of Man
1 Crown (Isle of Man - British Crown Dependency / Queen Elizabeth II / Commemorative issue -... 1989 Isle of Man
1 Crown (Isle of Man - British Crown Dependency / Queen Elizabeth II / 200th Anniversary of the... 1989 Isle of Man
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