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Country: Thailand
Region: Asia

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Thailand 10 baht. 2005 2005 Thailand
Thailand 5 baht. 1999 1999 Thailand
Thailand 5 satang. 1950, Rama IX 1950 Thailand
Thailand 10 baht. 1996, 50th Anniversary - Reign of King Rama IX. Minted in Italy. Y#328.2 1996 Thailand
Y#110, BE2520 (1977) Thailand baht; copper-nickel, reeded edge; Rama IX, circulation coinage,... 1977 Thailand
Y#68, BE2489 (1946) Thailand 5 satang; tin, plain edge; Rama VIII, 1-year posthumous circulation... 1946 Thailand
10 Baht (Kingdom of Thailand / King Bhumibol Adulyadej - Rama IX / 30th Anniversary of The World... 1980 Thailand
Y#84, BE2505 (1962) Thailand baht, Royal Thai mint; copper-nickel, reeded edge; Rama IX, 1-year... 1962 Thailand
Y#60, BE2487 (1944) Thailand satang; tin, plain edge; Rama VIII, 1-year circulation type, bright... 1944 Thailand
5 Satang (Kingdom of Siam / King Rama VIII - Ananda Mahidol // Nickel 2g) 1937 Thailand
1 Baht (Kingdom of Thailand / King Rama IX // Copper-Nickel) 1977 Thailand
1 Baht (Kingdom of Thailand / King Rama IX // Copper-Nickel) 1962 Thailand
Thailand 25 Satang BE2561(2017) 2017 Thailand
10 Baht (Kingdom of Thailand / King Bhumibol Adulyadej - Rama IX / 75th Anniversary of King Rama... 2002 Thailand
10 Baht (Kingdom of Thailand / King Rama IX // Bimetallic: Aluminium-Bronze centre -... 1996 Thailand
Y#328,1, BE2539 (1996) Thailand 10 baht, Royal Thai mint; bi-metallic, segment reeded edge; Rama... 1996 Thailand
Thailand 25 Satang BE2562(2018) 2018 Thailand
5 Baht (Kingdom of Thailand / King Rama IX // Copper-Nickel clad Copper) 1988 Thailand
2 Baht (Kingdom of Thailand / King Rama IX // Copper-Aluminium-Nickel 92/6/2) 2012 Thailand
1 Baht (Kingdom of Thailand / King Rama IX // Copper-Nickel) 2003 Thailand
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