Tomux collection
2 Zlote
8.1500 g., Brass, 27 mm. Subject: Historical Cities in Poland Obv: In the central part of the image of the Eagle established as the State Emblem of the Polish Republic. On the right side the inscription: 2Zł. A semicircular inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA and the year of issue, 2008. Below the Eagle, a stylized fragment of the old city wall with battlements and from the gateway of the gaping gate, with a raised trellis in the lumen. Under the left talon of the Eagle the Mint mark: MW Rev: The image of the Royal Castle in Piotrkow. At the top left of the magnified image of Orla Jagiellons placed on the wall of the castle. The left side semicircular inscription: PIOTRKÓW and at the top right of the semicircular inscription: TRYBUNALSKI. Edge: an inscription: NBP, repeated eight times, every second one inverted by 180 degrees, separated by stars. Coin designer: Ewa Tyc-Karpińska
2 Zlote Y#628 8.1500 g., Brass, 27 mm. Subject: Historical Cities in Poland Obv: In the central part of the image of the Eagle established as the State Emblem of the Polish Republic. On the right side the inscription: 2Zł. A semicircular inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA and the year of issue, 2008. Below the Eagle, a stylized fragment of the old city wall with battlements and from the gateway of the gaping gate, with a raised trellis in the lumen. Under the left talon of the Eagle the Mint mark: MW Rev: The image of the Royal Castle in Piotrkow. At the top left of the magnified image of Orla Jagiellons placed on the wall of the castle. The left side semicircular inscription: PIOTRKÓW and at the top right of the semicircular inscription: TRYBUNALSKI. Edge: an inscription: NBP, repeated eight times, every second one inverted by 180 degrees, separated by stars. Coin designer: Ewa Tyc-Karpińska