elverno collection
1793 ½ Penny Conder Token.

One reference says in part: 'Petersfield is an old market town midway between Winchester and Portsmouth. The right of election was restricted to the freeholders of lands, or old dwelling houses, or shambles, built upon ancient foundations within the borough. At the time the token was issued all this property belonged to one man and therefore the nomination of Members of Parliament rested entirely with him.' These were known as 'rotten' boroughs.
1793 ½ Penny Conder Token. One reference says in part: 'Petersfield is an old market town midway between Winchester and Portsmouth. The right of election was restricted to the freeholders of lands, or old dwelling houses, or shambles, built upon ancient foundations within the borough. At the time the token was issued all this property belonged to one man and therefore the nomination of Members of Parliament rested entirely with him.' These were known as 'rotten' boroughs.
United Kingdom