constanius collection
Dutch - it is listed in Van Loon's Histoire Metallique du Pay-Bas, vol 2, pp. 114-15.dated for both the Julian & Gregorian calendar: D 8/18 Sept MDCXCLII, it commemorates September 8/18, 1692, the day the strongest earthquake ever
known in northwestern Europe occurred centered near Verviers. Its magnitude is estimated close to 6.5
and damages were reported in all cities of Belgium but felt also in UK, Germany and France.
Dutch - it is listed in Van Loon's Histoire Metallique du Pay-Bas, vol 2, pp. 114-15.dated for both the Julian & Gregorian calendar: D 8/18 Sept MDCXCLII, it commemorates September 8/18, 1692, the day the strongest earthquake ever known in northwestern Europe occurred centered near Verviers. Its magnitude is estimated close to 6.5 and damages were reported in all cities of Belgium but felt also in UK, Germany and France.
Exonumia Europe