Vfox collection
This was minted in Lima Peru in 1810 and is the second of the type deemed the Lima bust which started being minted after King Charles IV's death in 1808. This (1810) was the second year of King Ferdinand VII's rule and obverse dies with his visage had not yet arrived in Lima. Instead of using a posthumus design with King Charles IV's visage, such as was being done in Columbia and Guatemala, the head engraver made a obverse die of what he thought the king looked like. Obviously the description wa
This was minted in Lima Peru in 1810 and is the second of the type deemed the Lima bust which started being minted after King Charles IV's death in 1808. This (1810) was the second year of King Ferdinand VII's rule and obverse dies with his visage had not yet arrived in Lima. Instead of using a posthumus design with King Charles IV's visage, such as was being done in Columbia and Guatemala, the head engraver made a obverse die of what he thought the king looked like. Obviously the description wa
South America