Region: Europe

Country: Germany Coins

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KM-6, 1876 Germany (Empire) 50 pfennig, Berlin mint (A mint mark); silver, reeded edge; Wilhelm... 1876 sandy3075
KM-17, 1905 Germany (Empire) 1/2 mark, Hamburg mint (J mint mark); reeded edge, silver; Wilhelm... 1905 sandy3075
1807 3 Kreuzer, Bavaria.... 1807 elverno
Silver jeton of German states - Bavaria (Bayern Versilberter Messingjeton) under Maximilian I... 1819 HKMAL
nice 1983 D 1 mark, nice condition 1983 ScottO
light strike 50 pfennig, EF condition, detail is fainter then the usual strike 1971 ScottO
nice 1980 J mark, nice apart from huge scratch on the eagle 1980 ScottO
1992 Deutche mark, seems to be made of a lighter metal and has a differant strike from ealier... 1992 ScottO
Stadt Coesfeldt 4 pfennig bull's head copper 1763 bart
EF, G 50 pfennig faded lustre but in a nice condition especially for an early date 1968 ScottO
KM-17, 1916 Germany (Empire) half mark, Munich mint (D mint mark); silver, reeded edge;... 1916 sandy3075
lustrous A 5 pfennig from 1996 1996 ScottO
5 deutche mark 1986 J bright coin decent grade 1986 ScottO
2 mark. Max Planck (1858-1947) Mintmark 'F' (Stuttgart) 1961 henry12
10 franken. Saarland 1954 henry12
EF and lustrous 10 pfennig from 1995 with a D mintmark, nice condition for a 1995 1995 ScottO
AUNC 50 pfennig 1992, berlin mint 1992 ScottO
378,150,000 minted in berlin that year, this one is AUNC so a nice euro cent none the less 2002 ScottO
1700 HKMAL
KM-422, 1849 Bayern (Bavaria) kreuzer; some resemblance of reeding in this 0.166 silver coin;... 1849 sandy3075