

United States

Part time numismatist for a hobby.

sandy3075's collection (All countries)

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KM-79.2, 1968 South Africa (Republic) 50 cents; nickel, plain edge; Afrikaans legend SUID AFRIKA,... 1968 South Africa
KM-780, 1916 Sweden 10 ore; silver, plain edge; Gustaf V, typical of the type, good fine or about. 1916 Sweden
KM-27b, 1939 Switzerland 10 rappen, Bern mint (B mint mark); nickel, plain edge; magnetic, last... 1939 Switzerland
KM-736, 1884 Sweden 5 ore; bronze, plain edge; Oscar II, good fine to almost very fine. 1884 Sweden
KM-47.1, Israel 1969 lira, Jerusalem mint; copper-nickel, segment reeded edge; bright... 1969 Israel
KM-2105, 1800 Austria 1/4 kreuzer, Vienna mint (A mint mark); copper, plain edge; Franz II,... 1800 Austria
KM-909.1, 1948 France 10 francs, Paris mint (no mint mark); copper-nickel, reeded edge; small... 1948 France
KM-877, France 1921 2 francs; aluminum-bronze, reeded edge; Chambers of Commerce issue, good... 1921 France
KM-12a, 1949 Ireland 3 pence; copper-nickel, plain edge; pre-decimal Republic, good very fine. 1949 Ireland
KM-339, 1870 Hesse-Darmstart (German State) kreuzer; silver, plain edge; Ludwig III, late... 1870 Germany
KM-18.1, 1956 Nicaragua 25 centavos; copper-nickel, BNN lettered edge; uncirculated, a tiny edge... 1956 Nicaragua
KM-16, 1962 India 5 naye paisa; Calcutta mint (no mint mark); copper nickel, square flan, plain... 1962 India
KM-335, 1851 German State Frankfurt am Main 6 kreuzer; silver, square indented edge; Imperial... 1851 Germany
KM-18, 1941 Southern Rhodesia shilling; silver, reeded edge; George VI, borderline uncirculated,... 1941 Rhodesia
KM-639, 1987 Portugal 100 escudos; copper-nickel, reeded edge; 1-year circulation commemorative... 1987 Portugal
KM-7, 1978 St. Helena & Ascension crown; copper-nickel, reeded edge; Elizabeth II, 25th... 1978 Saint Helena
KM-508, 1926 Hungary 20 filler; copper-nickel, plain edge; Horthy regency, average circulated. 1926 Hungary
KM-656, 1990 Portugal 100 escudos; copper-nickel, reeded edge; 1-year circulation commemorative... 1990 Portugal
KM-4.2b, 1943 Switzerland 2 rappen, Berne mint (B mint mark); zinc, plain edge; dark toned, good... 1943 Switzerland
KM-27, 1944 Switzerland 10 rappen, Berne mint (B mint mark); copper-nickel, plain edge; decent... 1944 Switzerland
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