Region: Europe

Country: Germany Coins

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5 Euro Cents 2004 boraxbunny
10 Pfennig 1875 boraxbunny
10 Pfennig 1900 boraxbunny
5 Pfennig 1908 boraxbunny
5 Reichspfennig A 1940 boraxbunny
5 Reichspfennig B 1940 boraxbunny
East Germany 5 Pfennig 1968 boraxbunny
3 Pfennige Prussia 1870 boraxbunny
4 Pfennige Prussia 1871 boraxbunny
WEST GERMANY~10 Deutsche Mark 1972. Mint: Stuttgart. Munich Olympics 1972. 1972 Zantetsuken
2 Kopecs 1916A (Berlin mint) issued by the German Military for use in Eastern Europe. 1916 Ian
2 Kopecs 1916J (Hamburg mint) issued by the German Military for use in Eastern Europe. This... 1916 Ian
5 Pfennig 1897 boraxbunny
5 Pfennig 1907 boraxbunny
2 Reichspfennig B 1939 boraxbunny
2 Pfennig 1979 boraxbunny
3 Pfen Munster 1754 boraxbunny
5 Pfennige Prussia 1868 boraxbunny
2 Pfennig 1907 boraxbunny
2 Reichspfennig D 1936 boraxbunny