Region: Europe

Country: Germany Coins

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1 Mark 1963 RenaL
10 Pfennig 1985 RenaL
50 Pfennig (Copper-Nickel) Obverse; Legend around value, BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND 50 PFENNIG... 1969 gm99
50 Pfennig (Copper-Nickel) Obverse; Legend around value, BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND 50 PFENNIG... 1950 gm99
25 Pfennig, Berlin mint. 1910 ElleKitty
1 Pfennig (Aluminum) : 1960-1975 Obverse: Hammer and compass in border with legend around,... 1968 gm99
5 mark German Archelogic Institute last silver commemorative 5 mark-coin 1979 bart
5 mark Balthasar Neumann 1978 bart
5 mark Gustav Stresemann 1978 bart
5 mark heinrich von Kleist 1977 bart
5 mark Carl Friedrich Gauss 1977 bart
5 mark Hans Jacob Christoph von Grimmelshausen 1976 bart
5 mark Albert Schweitzer 1976 bart
5 mark European year of the Monuments 1975 bart
5 mark Friedrich Ebert 1975 bart
5 mark Immanuel Kant 1974 bart
5 mark 25th anniversary of Federal Republic of Germany 1974 bart
5 mark Frankfurter Nationalsammlung 1973 bart
5 mark Polish scientist Nikolaus Kopernikus Orbit of the Planets 1973 bart
1971 bart