Region: Europe

Country: Hungary Coins

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KM-478, 1891 Hungary (Austro-Hungarian Empire) krajczar, Kremnitza mint; copper, plain edge;... 1891 sandy3075
KM-498, 1918 Hungary 20 filler; iron, reeded edge; late Imperial and early Republican type, well... 1918 sandy3075
Hungary 20 forint. 1985, 40th Anniversary of F.A.O. Mintage: 25.000 pcs. Second piece in my... 1985 henry12
KM-520, 1943 Hungary 20 filler; iron, holed flan, plain edge; war time coinage under Regent... 1943 sandy3075
1 Forint (Austro-Hungarian Empire / Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen / King Franz Joseph I //... 1892 gradenko
Hungary 100 forint. 2022 2022 henry12
10 Filler (Kingdom of Hungary / Regent Nicolas Horthy // Copper-Nickel) 1927 gradenko
1 Korona (Austro-Hungarian Empire / Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen / King Franz Joseph I //... 1893 gradenko
Hungary 2000 forint. 2021, 235th Anniversary of the Birth of Maurycy Beniowski (Benyovszky... 2021 henry12
Hungary 100 forint. 2022, Opening of Hungarian Money Museum. 2022 henry12
KM-482, 1894 Hungary (Austro-Hungarian Empire) 10 filler, Kremnitz mint (KB mint mark); nickel,... 1894 sandy3075
Hungary 50 forint. 2004, Hungary in the EU. Proof. Mintage: 7.000 pcs. 2004 henry12
Hungary (Austro-Hungarian Monarchy) 10 filler. 1895 (II) 1895 henry12
Hungary (Austro-Hungarian Monarchy) 10 filler. 1894 (III) 1894 henry12
20 Filler 1938 Hungary 1938 svticos
Hungary 1 forint. 1967 1967 henry12
Hungary 10 filler. 1958 1958 henry12
KM-481, 1904 Hungary (Austro-Hungarian Empire) 2 filler; bronze, plain edge; Franz Joseph I,... 1904 sandy3075
KM-631, 1983 Hungary 100 forint; copper-nickel, reeded edge; FAO issue, small mintage of 50,000,... 1983 sandy3075
Hungary 20 forint. 2020, Tribute to the Heroes of Emergency. 2020 henry12
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