Region: Asia

Country: Philippines Coins

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KM-232, 1981 Philippines 25 pisos, Franklin mint (FM mint mark in monogram); silver, reeded edge;... 1981 sandy3075
Philippines 1 piso. 2018, Nickel plated steel. 2018 henry12
Philippines 10 sentimo. 1996 1996 henry12
KM-250, 1988 Philippines 10 piso; nickel, reeded edge; anniversary of the People Power Revolution... 1988 sandy3075
KM-148, 1885 Philippines (Spanish) 10 centimos; silver, reeded edge; Alphonso XII, decent... 1885 sandy3075
25 Sentimo (Republic of the Philippines // Brass 3.9g) 1985 gradenko
KM-163, 1936 Philippines (US Commonwealth) centavo, Manila mint (M mint mark); bronze, plain... 1936 sandy3075
KM-170, 1918 Philippines (US-Philippines Commonwealth) 20 centavos, San Francisco mint (S mint... 1918 sandy3075
50 Sentimo (Republic of the Philippines // Copper-Nickel) 1990 gradenko
Philippines 1 piso. 1972 1972 henry12
Philippines 1 piso. 2011, 150th Anniversary of Birth of José Rizal. (II) 2011 henry12
Philippines 1 piso. 1979 1979 henry12
Philippines 10 sentimos. 1978, Cu-ni. 1978 henry12
1 Centavo (USA Administration // Brass 5.3g) 1944 gradenko
Philippines 10 piso. 2006 2006 henry12
1 Piso (Republic of the Philippines // Copper-Nickel) 1990 gradenko
KM-242.2, 1983 Philippines 50 sentimos; copper-nickel, plain edge; variety with the spelling... 1983 sandy3075
Philippines 25 sentimo. 2019, Nickel plated steel. 2019 henry12
Philippines 10 sentimo. 2009 2009 henry12
KM-179, 1944 Philippines Commonwealth centavo, San Francisco mint (S mint mark); bronze, plain... 1944 sandy3075
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