Region: Europe

Country: Vatican Coins

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Vatican 5 lire. 1975, Pontif. Paulus VI. Holy Year - Redemption of the Woman of Bethany. Mintage:... 1975 henry12
Vatican 10 lire. 1953, Pontif. Pius XII. One from four coin set. 1953 henry12
Vatican 5 lire. 1953, Pontif. Pius XII. One from four coin set. 1953 henry12
Vatican 2 lire. 1953, Pontif. Pius XII. One from four coin set. 1953 henry12
Vatican 1 lira. 1953, Pontif. Pius XII. One from four coin set. 1953 henry12
Vatican 500 lire. 1985, Pontif. Ionnes Paulus II. 1985 henry12
50 Lire 1964 Vatican 1964 svticos
1 Lire 1936 Vatican 1936 svticos
500 Lire 1959 Vatican 1959 svticos
KM-1, 1932 vatican 5 centesimi; bronze, plain edge; Year VI of Pius XI, mintage 100,000, NGC... 1932 sandy3075
Vatican 500 lire. 1993, Pater Noster. Pontif. Ioannes Paulus II. 1993 henry12
KM-6, 1936 Vatican 2 lire; nickel, reeded edge; Year XV of Pius XI, smaller mintage 40,000, good... 1936 sandy3075
KM-6, 1929 Vatican 2 lire; nickel, plain edge; Year VIII of Pius XI, key year of the type with... 1929 sandy3075
KM-52.1, 1952 Vatican 5 lire; aluminum, plain edge; Pius XII year XIV, brilliant uncirculated. 1952 sandy3075
KM-51.1, 1952 Vatican 5 lire; aluminum, plain edge; Pius XII year XIV, common, bright... 1952 sandy3075
2 Lire 1942 Vatican 1942 svticos
KM-27a, 1941 Vatican 2 lire; stainless steel, reeded edge; Year II of Pius XII, good... 1940 sandy3075
KM-62.2, 1961 Vatican 20 lire; aluminum-bronze, reeded edge; Year III of Pope John XXIII, mintage... 1961 sandy3075
KM-116, 1974 Vatican lira; aluminum, plain edge; Paul VI, year XII, mintage 132,000, bright... 1974 sandy3075
KM-72, 1962 Vatican 20 lire; stainless steel, reeded edge; Year IV of John XIII, 1-year special... 1962 sandy3075
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