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Region: Europe

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Austria, 50 schilling 1996. Austrian Millenium 996-1996. Heinrich I on horse. 1996 Austria
Austria, 2 schilling 1937. Bicentennial Completion of St. Charles Church. 1937 Austria
Poland, 2 zlote 2007. Polish Painters of the Turn of 19th & 20th Centuries. Leon Wyczolkowski... 2007 Poland
Poland, 2 zlote 2007. Historical Cities in Poland - Stargard Szczecinski. 2007 Poland
Great Britain, 1 shilling 1887. Queen Victoria. 1887 United Kingdom
Austria, 50 schilling 1978. 150th Anniversary - Death of Franz Schubert. 1978 Austria
Poland, 2 zlote 2007. 150th Anniversary - Birth of Konrad Korzeniowski/Joseph Conrad. 2007 Poland
Poland, 2 zlote 2007. Monuments of Material Culture in Poland. Medieval Town of Torun. 2007 Poland
Poland, 2 zlote 2007. 125th Anniversary of Karol Szymanowski's Birth. 2007 Poland
Poland, 2 zlote 2008. Peregrine falcon (Falco Peregrinus). 2008 Poland
1874 Denmark 10 Ore 1874 Denmark
2006 The Netherlands 5 Euro Rembrandt 2006 Netherlands
Poland - Danzig, 1623, Orte 1623 Poland
Poland, 2 zlote 1925. 1925 Poland
Portugal, 500 reis 1858. King Pedro V. 1858 Portugal
1800 Italian States Sardinia 7.6 Soldi 1800 Italy
1818 German States Saxony 12 Einen Thaler 1818 Germany
Portugal, 500 reis 1898. King Carlos I and Queen Amelia - 400th Anniversary Discovery of India. 1898 Portugal
Repvbblica Italiana, Lire 1000. 1997. 1997 Italy
Austria, 1 corona 1916. Emperor Franz Joseph I. 1916 Austria
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