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Region: Africa

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50 Piastres / Qirsh (United Arab Republic / Commemorative issue - President Nasser // SILVER... 1970 Egypt
1 Penny (Union of South Africa / King George VI // Copper 9.45g /*) 1944 South Africa
25 Cents (Republic of Seychelles // Nickel plated Steel) 2007 Seychelles
1 Penny (Union of South Africa / King George VI // Copper 9.45g) 1944 South Africa
South Africa 2 cents. 1968, Charles Robberts Swart. 1968 South Africa
Algeria 5 dinars. 2005 2005 Algeria
Algeria 50 centimes. 1988, 25th Anniversary of Constitution. Second piece in my collection. 1988 Algeria
Tunisia 20 milliemes. 1960 (II) 1960 Tunisia
Egypt 5 piastres. 1979, International Year of the Child - F.A.O. 1979 Egypt
10 Francs 2001 Comoros 2001 Comoros
South Africa 1995 50 Cents. 1995 South Africa
50 Piastres / Qirsh (Republic of Egypt / Evacuation of the British 18 June 1956 // SILVER 0.900 /... 1956 Egypt
1 Dalasi (Republic of the Gambia // Copper-Nickel) 1987 Gambia
100 Francs (French protectorate of Tunisia / Bey of Tunis Muhammad VIII al-Amin "Lamine Bey" //... 1950 Tunisia
1 Piastre (United Kingdom of Libya / King Idris I // Copper-Nickel) 1952 Libya
Tunisia 25 centimes. 1920, French protectorate. 1920 Tunisia
Sao Tome & Principe. 250 dobras. 1997, F.A.O. 1997 Sao Tome & Principe
2 Milliemes (United Kingdom of Libya / King Idris I // Bronze 6g) 1952 Libya
1 Cent (Republic of South Africa // Brass 9.42g) 1961 South Africa
1 Shilin (Somali Democratic Republic / FAO // Copper-Nickel 75-25) 1976 Somalia